simple web builder

Papyrus Software: Enterprise Design

Designing a business platform and low-code development tools

My role: UX/UI designer, UX advocate

Unfortunately due to my NDA, I cannot showcase my work at Papyrus Software, but I can describe my work without violating any privacy policies and tell that I'm engaged in the whole UX process - learn more about the Papyrus UX statement

Used design methods

- Competitive research
- Facilitating workshops
- User Story Mapping
- Customer Journey Mapping
- Feedback Grid
- Observations
- Interviews
- Usability Testing
- Surveys

Used tools

- Adobe XD, Figma
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
- Balsamiq
- Wiki: sharing concepts and experience guidelines

About Papyrus: Papyrus is a platform for business applications, using business document creation as a core as well as customer relationship touch points. It consists of standard solutions that are used by business users as well as tools that are used by administrators or developers to adapt the solutions for specific customer needs.

My role

Desiging Papyrus platform for custom business applications. The platform consists of multiple out-of-the box solutions covering inbound and outbound communication as well as adaptive business process management used by business users.

Designing low-code developer tools used by Papyrus developers, consultants or administrators to setup the Papyrus platform.

Designing internal applications like applications for meeting booking, time management or authoring tools for writing our user manuals and online help.

I'm engaged in the complete User-Centered Design lifecycle (defining Personas, User Stories, prototyping, pixel perfect design, iterative testing...) of the Papyrus platform and embedded solutions. Depending on the fidelity level of projects, I take on key responsibilities in both design and organizational areas.

Design tasks

  • UX and UI design for enterprise applications platform, considering all UX phases (discovery, prototyping and testing). In order to achieve a constant experience of the platform, components, patterns and visual design aspects have to be aligned to a consistent concept & UX design.
  • Design System / Experience Guidelines: designing and describing UI controls (UI layout, forms, wizards, buttons...) used in the platform and defining rules when to use a specific control in order to align different teams to create consistent solutions. The experience guidelines serve as a basis for discussions with development teams, ensuring modern user experience across the Papyrus platform. 
  • Style-Sheet: I’m maintaining the style guide and style sheet (CSS) for the platform covering all business solutions, in order to ensure consistency and a harmonised look and feel across all User Interfaces. Furthermore, the style sheet is also addressing accessibility guidelines.
  • Co-working on conversational UI design
Conversational UI

Organizational tasks

  • Evangelism efforts to promote UX in a development driven environment and educating cross-departments on usability topics as well as onboarding new designers.
  • Continuous exploration how to further improve our internal UX process e.g. UX review meetings, usability templates for UX requests, cross-department communication... 
  • Co-working with other designers within the company, providing and gathering design feedback
Key learnings
  • When redesigning applications, Usability Testing of an old implementation brings interesting insights in what is good or bad. These insights can be used as starting point for next design studies.
  • Understanding “business needs”, “development constraints” and balancing the insights with “user needs” is very important when designing “business to business” applications  
  • Especially when designing for a platform where controls and patterns are reused cross-applications, the design decisions need to be cross-checked and tested in all used contexts as they influence all applications of the same platform. Being aware of this as a designer is crucial for best usability for the platform. 

Want to find out more? 
Contact me: 

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